HH 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra Rinpoche: wang of vajrakilaya
and initiation of sendogma
From August 8 to 10, 2023
It is with great joy to announce that HH 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra Rinpoche will visit Casa Virupa this August to give the major Vajrakilaya empowerment. It is the third time that this great teacher has visited us and we feel deeply blessed by his presence and for granting one of the most important empowerments of the Sakya school and of Tibetan Buddhism in general.

Vajrakilaya embodies the enlightened activity of all the Buddhas and overcomes obstacles and defilements. The Khon family, from which HH 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra Rinpoche is one of the most important lineage holders, received this practice directly from Padmasambhava in the 8th century, when Buddhism was established in Tibet. From that time until today, the Khon family lineage holders have maintained the daily practice and performance of Vajrakilaya as their special personal practice. To receive the blessings of Vajrakilaya directly from such an outstanding member of the Khon family is an extraordinary blessing.
Vajrakilaya Major Empowerment | Tuesday 8, 5pm and Wednesday 9, 5pm
HH Gongma Trichen Rinpoche has said: "From the deep and inexhaustible ocean of teachings that Guru Padmasambhava possessed, Vajrakilaya is one of the most important. His essential empowerment, teachings and instructions were given to one of his most important spiritual disciples, Khön Nagendrarakshita (Lü 'i Wangpo Sungwa), who then practiced it until he achieved ordinary and supreme realizations.
Vajrakilaya's essential empowerment, teachings, and instructions were then passed down from Nagendrarakshita to his own nephews, as they were designated as the holders of the Khön lineage; and have since been passed down through this lineage, which includes the five Sakya founders.
This is a very rare teaching that has not only continued through an unbroken lineage from the primordial Buddha, but has also been passed down through hereditary lineage. Every one of these teachers, from Guru Padmasambhava to the present ones, has achieved great realization.
Initiation of Sendogma | Thursday 10, 11am
Among the most powerful, swift and imposing dakinis is the Glorious Simhamukha or Sendogma, the lioness-faced Dakini. His mantra is often the first to be chanted when a yogi or yogini feels an overwhelming psychological threat, including curses -perceived or real-, maturation of negative karma, ill wishes, bad luck... Despite her wrathful and exotic form, she is a dakini of wisdom. She is one of the most popular enlightened Buddhist dakinis.

Mahakala Puja officiated by His Holiness | Thursday 10, 17h
His Holiness has agreed to officiate a Mahakala puja in the center, with all participants present. You can attend without prerequisites.ā
Other informationā
Regular contribution wang Vajrakilaya: €60
Contribution members of Casa Virupa wang Vajrakilaya: €45
Sendogma initiation regular contribution: €35
Sendogma initiation CV member contribution: €26
Regular contribution 2 initiations: €90
Member contribution CV 2 initiations: €65
The major empowerment of Vajrakilaya involves two days in a row. To receive the full initiation, you must attend both parts. The first part (Tuesday 8) and the second (Wednesday 9) will begin at 5:00 p.m.
Due to the limited availability of places at Casa Virupa, only volunteers and members of Casa Virupa will be able to stay at the center to sleep. Hotels and hostels near the center where you can stay:
L'Avenc (10 minutes by car): https://www.avenc.com/en/
Can Nogué (5 miminutes by car): http://www.hostalcannogue.com/
Hostal Collsacabra (20 minutes by car): https://www.hostalcollsacabra.com/es/
S.S. program 43 Sakya Trizin in Barcelona and surroundings | Summer 2023
Sakya Gephel Ling (Barcelona) | August 5 and 6
Saturday 5/08, 10:30 a.m. | Empowerment of the Eight Medicine Buddhas
Saturday 5/08, 3:30 p.m. | Guru Rinpoche Empowerment and Refuge Cerimony
Sunday 6/08, 10:30 a.m. | Initiation of the Three Long Life Deities (Amitayus, Nangyelma and White Tara)
Sunday 6/08, 3:30 p.m. | Empowerment of the Three Wrathful Deities (Vajrapani, Hayagriva and Garuda) and the Blessing of the Kago of Vajrakilaya.
More information and registration at the Sakya Gephel Ling website.
Casa Virupa (Tavertet) | From August 8 to 10
Tuesday 8/08, 5pm and Wednesday 9, 5pm | Vajrakilaya Major Empowerment
Thursday 10, 11 a.m. | Sendogma Initiation
Thursday 10, 17h | Mahakala Puja officiated by His Holiness
Active Sangha (Sant Iscle de Vallalta) | From August 11 to 13
Friday 08/11, 5pm | Vajrayogini Empowerment
Saturday 08/12, 11am | Initiation of Yellow Zhambala and Practice Lung
āSaturday 08/12, 5pm | Marichi initiation
More information and registration at Sangha Activa website.