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I want to collaborate

Maybe you too started a project and you know that, in the beginning, a grain of sand can make a big difference. Or maybe you just like Casa Virupa and you want to help out and keep the center alive. Your help motivates us to

continue striving to offer the best and allows us to generate activities that we hope will be of benefit to many people.

For now we are a young project and we don’t have any external help, so we greatly value the generous contributions that may come, as they allow us to consolidate as a project and to continue working for the benefit of all beings.  

For example, through a strong group of monthly members or "generous contributions" in our activities, we will be able to guarantee scholarships for students and unemployed people.

We tell you the options you have to help us:

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Being a member of Casa Virupa

For € 35 per month (or more if you want to be a driving member), we offer:

  • 25 discount  %  in the activities offered.

  • Discount on overnight stays and meals.

  • Invitations to exclusive events for  the partners.

  • Advance information on the offer of activities at Casa Virupa (courses, rituals, workshops, conferences, cultural events, volunteer days ...)

  • Participation in the annual general assembly.


And we ask that you:


  • Respect the functionning of the activities and the project’s environment.

    Respect the statutes of the association and the internal rules of the community.

  • Give advance notice of your visit.


In addition to all this, we will always be open to listening to your proposals for the activities that you would like to find at Casa Virupa!

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Through donations

"Dana" (in Sanskrit,  दान), means "generosity", and is one of the most appreciated virtues in Buddhism. Because in the act of giving or offering something we are recognizing the situation and needs of the other and, at the same time, we contribute to their welfare. It is a cornerstone on the spiritual path, because it is one of the most effective and simple ways to open up to others.

If you want to support us through a financial donation, we will be very grateful and will surely invest the help in improving our project. You can do it anonymously or not, as you prefer.  

The account number to make a donation is:

ES67 3025 0005 8014 3330 0546

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Donate with PayPal

Being a volunteer

If you’ve heard about our project, you have surely been told that our house is beautiful and our project brave and promising: we are very happy to be able to affirm that it is just so.

But for the house to shine, it needs many hours of attentive and loving care: the garden, the orchard, the interior spaces, a coat of paint here, a repair there ... The project also requires hours of work in order to offer a good service. : with regards to communication, coordination of activities, bookkeeping, etc.  

Volunteering is essential for Casa Virupa’s proper functioning. Moreover, we are committed to a volunteering model that focuses on personal development: the volunteer’s contribution here helps them to get to know themselves better, as well as others.  

If you think you can help us in some way, or you want to enjoy the privileged place in which we are and dedicate yourself to your personal growth, whether it's punctually, constantly or so that we count on you to volunteer during the events we organize, get in touch with us! 

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