conscious garden workshop
Saturday, August 20 - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Este taller parte de la conciencia corporal como una de las bases del autoconocimiento, el bienestar y el cuidado de uno mismo y del entorno. Habitando nuestro cuerpo a través del movimiento consciente podremos conectar con el momento presente y nos sentiremos más a gusto en nuestra propia piel.
Arne Schelling, instructor of meditation and Buddhist philosophy in Europe appointed by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, will give a monograph on the Madhyamaka, the middle way, inaugurated by the Buddhist teacher Nagarjuna.
These are perfect teachings for those who are interested in delving into Buddhist philosophy, entering the Madhyamaka, one of the most exciting and enriching philosophical theories that exist, as it deals with the empty nature of phenomena.
The activity can be followed in person (limited places) and live online, with access to the recording for 1 month after the teachings.
In the face-to-face format, participants can spend the night at home or in town, in a hotel or hostel. If they stay outside, they can have lunch and dinner in Casa Virupa, but breakfast is outside the center.
Cómo se hace
A través de ejercicios simples que parten de la respiración y los sentidos, desarrollaremos una sensibilidad que nos permitirá escuchar mejor los estímulos del cuerpo. Paralelamente, ganaremos ligereza y aliviaremos tensiones mediante movilizaciones y revisaremos la postura y el caminar. También ampliaremos nuestra conciencia del entorno a través de ejercicios en pareja y dinámicas grupales.
Sesión 1 | El tacto - Martes 24/10 - 19.30 a 21 h
Sesión 2 | La vista - Martes 31/10 - 19.30 a 21 h
Sesión 3 | El contacto - Martes 7/11 - 19.30 a 21h
Sesión 4 | La mirada - Martes 14/11 - 19.30 a 21 h
Sesión 5 | La escucha - Martes 21/11 - 19.30 a 21 h
Quién imparte
Arne Schelling was born in Germany, where he practices western and Chinese medicine. In 1989 he began to study and practice intensively under the guidance of various Buddhist masters of all Tibetan traditions, especially guided by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Dzongsar Khyntse Rinpoche and Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche. Arne began to translate for Buddhist teachers from Tibetan and Zen tradicions in 1999. He also worked as a translator and editor for many books, including "Whats Makes You (Not) a Buddhist), "Not for Happiness", "Madhyamakavatara Commentary", etc. He has been translating sutras for the 84.000 project since 2011. In 20008, Dzonsar Khyentse Rinpoche appointed him as an instructor.

Información logística
For participation in person with overnight in Casa Virupa (FULL PACK):
Regular contribution € 240; CV member contribution € 180; solidary contribution € 300.
For participation in-person without overnight in the main house (lunch and dinner are included, not breakfasts):
Regular contribution € 216; CV member contribution € 162.
For participation on-line:
Regular contribution € 120; Casa Virupa member contribution € 96.