Tue, Apr 15
Unfiltered Reality: Exploring the Four Marks of Existence
In this retreat with Lama Norbu we will explore the four marks of existence according to Buddhism: impermanence, suffering, absence of self and peace beyond concepts.
Horario y ubicación
Apr 15, 2025, 6:30 PM – Apr 20, 2025, 4:00 PM
Barcelona, Diseminado Diseminados, 145, 08450 Barcelona, España
Acerca del evento
In this retreat we will explore the four seals of existence, the fundamental truths that Buddhism points out as the basis of all experience: impermanence, suffering, the absence of self and peace beyond concepts. Through meditation, contemplation and debate, we will delve into a deeper vision of reality, dismantling the beliefs that keep us trapped in dissatisfaction and attachment.
We will observe how impermanence manifests itself in every aspect of our experience, reminding us that everything changes and that fixation leads to suffering. We will explore the unsatisfactory nature of existence, not as a pessimistic view, but as an opportunity to recognize the constant longing that distances us from the present. We will investigate the absence of a solid and independent self, questioning the fixed identity to which we cling and opening ourselves to a freer and more dynamic perception of who we are. And finally, we will contemplate the…
Presencial con pernocta hab*
Includes: the activity itself, all meals from Tuesday dinner to Sunday lunch, overnight stay in a shared room with shared bathroom. The menu served is strictly vegan.
€444.00Sold OutPresencial con pernocta furgo*
Incluye: la actividad en sí, todas las comidas desde la cena del martes hasta la comida del domingo, pernocta en furgoneta o tienda propia en zona de acampada con acceso a wc's y duchas compartidas. El menú servido es vegano estricto.
- €300.00
In person without overnight stay
Includes: the activity itself, all meals and dinners from Tuesday night to Sunday lunch, excluding breakfast and overnight stays. The menu served is strictly vegan.
Incluye: la participación en directo a todas las sesiones del retiro (meditaciones guiadas y enseñanzas), así como acceso en diferido al contenido hasta 1 mes más tarde de la actividad.
€180.00Solicitud de beca
Si estás en el paro, eres menor de 27 años o tienes dificultades económicas, puedes escribir a info@casavirupa.com con la documentación que certifique tu situación, y explicando tu caso y planteando qué descuento y para qué formato te gustaría inscribirte (presencial u online). En unos días nos pondremos en contacto contigo para decirte si podemos ofrecerte un descuento. El precio mínimo que cobramos para la reserva es el de la actividad online a precio de socia.