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end of year activities 2021

Chasing the Carrot: Teachings on Renunciation
Tuesday 28, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. | On-line

Having renunciation is one of the basic requirements to advance on the spiritual path. However, unlike what many people consider, resignation is not a forced gesture that forces us to abandon what we like and want, but rather emanates from mature reflection. Renunciation is the loss of natural interest in what is not convenient for us, due to the incessant cycle of seeking external gratification -the carrot-, with the subsequent habituation to the desired object, boredom or disappointment of expectations. This loss of interest allows us to focus on what we consider really important and stop wasting time.


Sábado 30 de diciembre

De 11 a 12.30h
Enseñanzas I

De 17 a 18.30h
Enseñanzas II

Domingo 31 de diciembre 


Meditación guiada y enseñanzas con enfoque contemplativo para revisar el año y generar agradecimiento.

Puja de Chagna Dorje y protectores. Ritual para eliminar negatividades del año y abrir camino para el 2023.


Solo quedan plazas para hacer la actividad online.

odas las sesiones del día 30 se impartirán en directo vía Zoom y habrá posibilidad de verlas en diferido hasta 15 días más tarde. Con respecto a las sesiones del día 31, podrá seguirse online en directo o presencialmente pero no se podrá visionar más


Lama Norbu is the director, founder and resident teacher of Casa Virupa. When he finished his studies, he began to train exclusively in Dharma, both in philosophy, meditation and rituals of the Sakya school. In February 2020 HH Gongma Trichen Rinpoche appointed him lama  (teacher) of the Sakya school. His clarity and communicative ability, his ability to capture the essence of the teachings and transfer them to a current audience, as well as his sensitivity to empathize, characterize him. 

lama norbu budismo meditacion mindfulness

economic contribution

The teachings are  at will , although we recommend a minimum contribution of €20 per activity. Obviously, any contribution of more than €20 will help us even more in the development of our activities.

Casa Virupa is currently in the process of consolidation. We are a very young center with few resources, since we do not have sponsors and nobody receives a salary in our organization. For this reason, we ask that you please consider the possibility of making a donation for this activity. 

We greatly appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

Activity registration

Additional Information


To block the square is essential to have made the reservation of the total or 50% of the corresponding contribution. Now you can choose whether to reserve the total or if you prefer to make the transfer later, for which we will need you to send us the proof of the transfer as long as we reserve your place. You can also choose if you want to apply for a scholarship. 

Ayudas: Las personas menores de 30 años, las que tengan dificultades económicas o estén en el paro pueden solicitar una beca. Para ello, necesitamos un documento que acredite su situación y una explicación detallada de por qué piden un descuento (máximo un 20%). Somos una entidad sin ánimo de lucro, así que pedimos responsabilidad a lxs solicitantes.

Sube el archivo que acredite tu solicitud de beca

If you have chosen to make the transfer later, the account number to which you must make the transfer is: ES67 3025 0005 8014 3330 0546 . As a concept: "Madhyamaka", and have your name and surname recorded. You must forward it to as soon as possible.

Your personal data will be used to process your order, improve your experience on our website and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.

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