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Extraordinary visit:Asanga Vajra Rinpoche

Writer's picture: Casa VirupaCasa Virupa

We are very happy to announce that H.E. Asanga Vajra Rinpoche, future head of the Sakya tradition and one of the best-prepared Vajrayana lamas belonging to a younger generation, will visit Casa Virupa. His visit will take place on Tuesday, September 28th. He will give teachings about the Sakya tradition in the morning and the Heruka Vajrasattva initiation in the afternoon.

Brief history of the Sakya tradition | Tuesday 28th, 11am (Spain, GMT+2)

His Eminence will give teachings in which he will speak about the history of the glorious Sakya tradition, whose great practitioners, monks and laypeople have upheld its practices and teachings for thousands of years.

Minimum recommended contribution: 15€

Heruka Vajrasattva initiation | Tuesday 28th, 5pm (Spain, GMT+2)

Dorje Sempa or Vajrasattva symbolizes that which cannot be conceptualized, as it represents the state of fundamental purity (the Dharmakaya), which is why his very nature is beyond all that can be expressed. It is a figure pertaining to tantric Buddhism (Vajrayana) and is used in the uncommon preliminaries as a support to gather a great accumulation of merit and therefore achieve the complete purification of our body, speech and mind.

Vajrasattva practices are common to all schools of Tibetan Buddhism and are used both to purify obscurations so that the Vajrayana student can progress beyond the preliminary practices and towards the various yogic practices of tantra; as well as to purify any broken tantric vows after an initiation. As such, the practice of Vajrasattva is an essential element in the practice of Tibetan Buddhism. Apart from personal practice, the Vajrasattva mantra is believed to be very effective in purifying karma, bringing peace, helping with death processes, and generating an enlightened activity in general. Vajrasattva Yab-Yum(Father-Mother) is inseparable from the natural body of the Buddha, the Primordial Buddha. It is this very ground of purity that makes purification practices possible. Regular in-person contribution: 30€ Member in-person contribution: 22,5€ Recommended minimum online contribution: 15€

His Eminence Asanga Vajra Rinpoche’s Biography

His Eminence Khondung Asanga Vajra Sakya Rinpoche is the son of H.E. Khondung Ani Vajra Sakya Rinpoche, the second son of the Phuntsok Phodrang family, and Dagmola Chimey la. He is also the grandson of H.H. Dagchen Rinpoche and is therefore a direct descendant of the uninterrupted Khon lineage, dating back to 1073.

Asanga Rinpoche completed his training at Tharlam Monastery. At only twelve years of age, Asanga Vajra Rinpoche performed the Vajrakilaya puja exam and directed the congregation at the Sakya Center in Rajpur, India, which made of him the youngest to successfully pass this complex, rigorous, and lengthy religious ritual. He is currently studying in Sakya College in Rajpur, under the tutelage of Ven. Khenpo Gyaltso la, the main abbot of this prestigious study center.



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