Action at Casa Virupa
Although our axes are meditation, retreats and Buddhist philosophy, at Casa Virupa we also offer alternative projects to these. As long as they are based on those values that we consider essential such as compassion, attention and respect, we believe that there are many ways to enrich our mind and heart, giving ourselves to others and learning from others.
In this section you will find some projects that arise from Casa Virupa and that involve putting into action everything that we have integrated thanks to our spiritual practice.

Sujata is a project that fully trusts the potential of infants and wants to help them awaken it. From Sujata we offer recreational activities for children, training for educational professionals and families.
We want children to grow, learn and be have fun with values such as patience, attention, generosity and joy, living in the present.

From Casa Virupa we want to connect with the philosophy and currents of thought of our land. Especially with those who seek transcendence in everyday life and promote self-care and care for others. For this reason, with El Jardín de Casa Virupa we want to facilitate a comprehensive experience of what it is to philosophize as it was practiced in ancient schools.