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the nature of mind
BY VEN. robina courtin

Thursday, September 14 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Mind, or consciousness, is at the very heart of Buddhist practice. And knowing and transforming it – the whole spectrum of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions – is work we all need to do.


We all want to be fulfilled, content, joyful. But why is it that no matter how hard we try, we are so often thwarted in our efforts? According to Buddhism it is because we don’t give enough power to our own mind and our own experiences; we don’t deeply understand the inner causes of our experiences.


Although it appears true that the world is the source of our happiness and pain, this is an illusion. We are, in fact, the creators of our own reality, and we need to taste our capacity to experience this.


We will explore in depth the workings of the human mind, how to become vividly aware of our emotions and feelings, and how to gradually develop the astonishing potential within each one of us, our buddha nature, for our own sake and the sake of others.

Lama Ngawang Norbu

Lama Ngawang Norbu es el director, fundador y maestro residente de Casa Virupa. Cuando finalizó sus estudios empezó a formarse exclusivamente en Dharma, tanto en filosofía, meditación y rituales de la escuela Sakya. Con solo 24 años fundó Casa Virupa con la bendición de S.S. Gongma Trichen Rinpoche. En febrero del 2020 S.S. Gongma Trichen Rinpoche le nombró lama (maestro) de la escuela Sakya. Su claridad y habilidad comunicativa, su capacidad para capturar la esencia de las enseñanzas y trasladarlas a un público actual, así como su sensibilidad para empatizar, le caracterizan. 

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Información práctica

It can be done in person and online. The teachings will be from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


In person:


Arrival time: Thursday, September 14, 6:30 p.m.

Contribution: at will​


Regarding the possibility of staying overnight, contact the organization via email (




Platform: Zoom

Connection time: 6:45 p.m.

Contribution: €5

Activity registration

Additional Information


To block the square is essential to have made the reservation of the total or 50% of the corresponding contribution. Now you can choose whether to reserve the total or if you prefer to make the transfer later, for which we will need you to send us the proof of the transfer as long as we reserve your place. You can also choose if you want to apply for a scholarship. 

Ayudas: Las personas menores de 30 años, las que tengan dificultades económicas o estén en el paro pueden solicitar una beca. Para ello, necesitamos un documento que acredite su situación y una explicación detallada de por qué piden un descuento (máximo un 20%). Somos una entidad sin ánimo de lucro, así que pedimos responsabilidad a lxs solicitantes.

Sube el archivo que acredite tu solicitud de beca

If you have chosen to make the transfer later, the account number to which you must make the transfer is: ES67 3025 0005 8014 3330 0546 . As a concept: "Madhyamaka", and have your name and surname recorded. You must forward it to as soon as possible.

Your personal data will be used to process your order, improve your experience on our website and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.


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